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Gaineev R., Gilyazieva.G.Z.




the article discusses one of the promising directions of development of the electric power industry, associated with the use of controlled AC power lines using FACTS devices, in particular, the advantages of static thyristor compensators are considered.   

Ключевые слова:
FACTS, transmission line, energy system, efficiency, static thyristor compensators.   

Traditionally, power lines were "passive" elements of the power grid. The means of regulation used in them (devices of longitudinal and transverse compensation, settings for half-wave mode) were intended to increase the limit of transmitted power, maintain voltage along the line in accordance with permissible values. Thanks to FACTS (Flexible Alternative Current Transmission Systems) devices, power transmission lines can be used as active elements of the EES. Power lines acquire the property of quickly, almost inertially, changing their parameters (resistivity, conductivity, throughput, etc.) according to certain laws, i.e. "flexible" power lines become really controllable and can be used to control the power plant in normal and emergency modes. This opens up new opportunities to solve the problems of sustainability and management of the EES, improving the reliability of power supply to consumers. A flexible line is defined as a variable line equipped with devices that allow changing its parameters and adjusting the power transmitted through it. [1,2]According to the FACTS devices installed to date in the power systems of the world in order to increase the capacity of power transmission lines, reduce losses and stabilize voltage levels, static thyristor compensators and longitudinal compensation installations (several hundred) occupy the leading positions in terms of the number of objects and installed equipment capacity [4].Due to shunt reactors, the efficiency of longitudinal compensation can be increased to the desired level at distances over 400 km. The longitudinal compensation of the inductive resistance of the transmission line, among other means, was used on the 900 km Kuibyshev – Moscow power transmission line and on the Swedish 400 kV transmission line; a technical and economic comparison of the accepted means on the Kuibyshev - Moscow transmission line showed that this is the most economical longitudinal compensation. [3]There are two different ways of regulating power transmission parameters: firstly, using compensation or adjustment devices (synchronous compensators, batteries of static capacitors, controlled and uncontrolled reactors, static reactive power sources, etc.), and secondly, due to the uniformly distributed intrinsic capacitive conductivity of the power transmission line [5]./Fig. 1. Synchronous voltage and power factor compensation with reactive powerStatic thyristor compensators (STC) are complex parallel switching devices that, due to thyristor control, have exceptional performance, a wide operating range and high reliability. The main function of the STC is to regulate the voltage in the node under consideration by controlling the input of reactive power at the place of its connection, thus the STC constantly maintains the voltage in the network at a given level.The advantage of using STC for power lines:increasing the static and dynamic stability of the transmission line;reduction of voltage deviations with large disturbances in the system;voltage stabilization;limitation of internal overvoltages;an increase in the transmission capacity of the power transmission due to improved stability with high transmitted power;filtering of currents of higher harmonics. [6]FACTS devices expand the capabilities of compensating devices. The progress achieved in the field of high–power converter devices of a new class based on lockable thyristors and bipolar transistors allows us to state the emergence of new prospects - the use of modern power electronics in electric power systems for virtually inertia-free online control of generation, transmission and consumption parameters leads to qualitatively new properties of each of these structures individually and the electric power system as a whole. [7]From this we can conclude that:Currently, the technological platforms (fixed assets) of Smart Grid (active adaptive networks) are mainly developed. In Russia, new original devices and technologies have been developed and created, which are elements of an active adaptive network. These are voltage regulation devices based on modern power electronics, asynchronous turbo generators and reactive power compensators of a fundamentally new type, cable lines based on high-temperature superconductivity, switching-type short circuit current limiting devices that have no world analogues. Using the created devices together with information technologies will allow us to begin step-by-step practical work on creating a Smart Grid. The introduction of intelligent interactive technologies in the development of the electric grid (smart grid technology) should be one of the important directions in the field of energy policy of Russia.Among the means of increasing throughput, the best technical and economic indicators are the longitudinal compensation of the inductive resistance of lines by means of static capacitors.Flexible power transmission technology FACTS is developing, requires attention and needs further research, taking into account all previously conducted developments and operation of electric power systems.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Gaineev R., Gilyazieva.G.Z. PROSPECTS OF USING FACTS TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF THE POWER LINE // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 2. С. 714 - 718. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10837 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10837

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